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We at CurrencyFair have recently released an update to our system that enables customers to receive push notifications about a deposit being cleared or an Auto Transaction being completed - you can read more about those features on our marketing blog. For those push notifications we decided to use OneSignal in the backend - a high volume, cross platform push notification delivery provider. Their API is really nice and they offer SDKs for many, many development environments. Go on, check them out too! Adobe, Uber and Line, among many others, also use them!

However, one of the drawbacks when using OneSignal was the lack of a native Java library to programmatically compose and send push notifications to customers. And so we decided to write our own and ultimately publish it as Open Source! You can find the source code here.



OneSignal provides a well-documented REST API. We decided to use OpenFeign together with FasterXML’s jackson to communicate with their endpoints.

Why Feign?

Feign was originally developed by Netflix and is extremely easy to use - Feign aims to connect your code to http APIs with minimal overhead and code. Via customizable decoders and error handling, you should be able to write to any text-based http api.

Why jackson?

A simple quote:

(…) Jackson Project, formerly known as the standard JSON library for Java (or JVM platform in general), or, as the “best JSON parser for Java.” Or simply as “JSON for Java.” More than that, Jackson is a suite of data-processing tools for Java (and the JVM platform), including the flagship streaming JSON parser / generator library (…)

Continuous Deployment

After reading many tutorials and after many tries we finally nailed our own version of deploying our releases: we use Travis CI for building and Central Repository to host the artifacts. It wasn’t an easy task so here are the steps you would want to follow to reach same objectives.

  1. Create a Jira Account at Sonatype.

  2. Create a project ticket.

  3. Add general information to your pom.xml that is required by Sonatype for your release to appear in Central Repository.

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
              xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
         <description>My awesome java library</description>
             <name>Joe Doe</name>
  4. Add distribution management to your pom.xml (notice the <id>ossrh</id>, it’ll be used later).

  5. Add maven build and release plugins. You are required to upload a signed jar, sources jar and javadoc jar when releasing to Central Repository. Notice ossrh being used in here.

  6. Create .travis directory (or any other name) in root of your project, it’ll be used for deployment scripts.

  7. Create .travis/gpg.sh and make it executable.

     $ touch .travis/gpg.sh
     $ chmod +x .travis/gpg.sh


     #!/usr/bin/env bash
     set -e
     # create a random passphrase
     export GPG_PASSPHRASE=$(echo "$RANDOM$(date)" | md5sum | cut -d\  -f1)
     # configuration to generate gpg keys
     cat >gen-key-script <<EOF
         %echo Generating a basic OpenPGP key
         Key-Type: RSA
         Key-Length: 4096
         Subkey-Type: 1
         Subkey-Length: 4096
         Name-Real: Joe Doe
         Name-Email: joe.doe@example.org
         Expire-Date: 0y
         Passphrase: ${GPG_PASSPHRASE}
         %echo done
     # create a local keypair with given configuration
     gpg --batch --gen-key gen-key-script
     # export created GPG key
     # example output
     # sec   4096R/EDD32E8B 2017-01-20
     # uid                  Joe Doe <joe.doe@example.com>
     # ssb   4096R/CC1613B2 2017-01-20
     # ssb   4096R/55B7CAA2 2017-01-20
     export GPG_KEYNAME=$(gpg -K | grep ^sec | cut -d/  -f2 | cut -d\  -f1 | head -n1)
     # cleanup local configuration
     shred gen-key-script
     # publish the gpg key
     # (use keyserver.ubuntu.com as travis request keys from this server,
     #  we avoid synchronization issues, while releasing)
     gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys ${GPG_KEYNAME}
     # wait for the key beeing accessible
     while(true); do
       gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com  --recv-keys ${GPG_KEYNAME} && break || sleep 30

    This script will generate a signing key for us on the fly when a deployment job is about to take place on Travis CI.

  8. Create .travis/mvnsettings.xml. Notice the ossrh being used again.

     <settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
               xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd">
                 <!-- Maven Central Deployment -->

    Remember exporting GPG_PASSPHRASE in the previous point, in gpg.sh? Travis CI will substitute it in here in place of${env.GPG_PASSPHRASE}. We’ll get to SONATYPE_* in the next points.

  9. Create Travis CI account: open Travis CI, choose Sign Up and connect with your Github profile. Go to Accounts page and select the repo that you would like to be continuously integrated.

  10. Open settings of your repo in Travis (More options -> Settings), you can configure there a couple of things, we are interested in Environment Variables.

  11. Add SONATYPE_USERNAME with the username you registered your Sonatype Jira account with and SONATYPE_PASSWORD with the Sonatype Jira password.

  12. Add .travis.yml to the root of your project. It is very important that you override install instruction from mvn to use the mvnsettings.xml you have created a short time ago.

    sudo: false
        - ~/.m2/repository
    language: java
      - oraclejdk8
      - mvn --settings .travis/mvnsettings.xml install -DskipTests=true -Dgpg.skip -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -B -V
        provider: script
        script: .travis/deploy.sh
        skip_cleanup: true
          repo: CurrencyFair/OneSignal-Java-SDK
          branch: master
          jdk: oraclejdk8
        provider: script
        script: .travis/deploy.sh
        skip_cleanup: true
          repo: CurrencyFair/OneSignal-Java-SDK
          tags: true
          jdk: oraclejdk8
        provider: script
        script: .travis/after_deploy.sh
        skip_cleanup: true
          repo: CurrencyFair/OneSignal-Java-SDK
          tags: true
          jdk: oraclejdk8
        - GIT_NAME="Your name"
        - GIT_EMAIL="you@yourdomain.com"

    The idea is to:

    • make a build of your repo every time a new Pull Request appears and new commit is pushed to such Pull Request
    • make a build and deployment of your repo to Central Repository Snapshot every time a new commit gets added to master branch
    • make a build and deployment of your repo to Central Repository Release every time a new tag is pushed to your repository
    • update version in pom.xml and push to Github repo once a tag-triggered release happened
  13. Create a ssh key that will be used for approving Travis pushing into your repo.

    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "<your_email>" -f github_deploy_key -N ''

    This will generate 2 keys in 2 files:

    • public key in github_deploy_key.pub
    • private key in github_deploy_key
  14. Add public key to Github repo: go to https://github.com/<username>/<repository>/settings/keys, click Add deploy key, name it, paste the content of github_deploy_key.pub in the textarea, select Allow write access and click Add key. You can now remove github_deploy_key.pub from your disk.

  15. This is very important now that you execute this and the next steps not in your fork but a directly cloned original repo (most important for Github Organizations).

    Install Travis CLI

    $ gem install travis

    Login into Travis (you should execute this inside your repo directory), you will be asked for your github credentials

    $ travis login
  16. Encrypt the github_deploy_key with Travis CLI.

    $ travis encrypt-file github_deploy_key

    You will see output similar to

    encrypting github_deploy_key for <username>/<repository>
    storing result as github_deploy_key.enc
    storing secure env variables for decryption
    openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_XXXXXXXXXXXX_key -iv $encrypted_XXXXXXXXXXXX_iv -in github_deploy_key.enc -out github_deploy_key -d
    Pro Tip: You can add it automatically by running with --add.
    Make sure to add github_deploy_key.enc to the git repository.
    Make sure not to add github_deploy_key to the git repository.
    Commit all changes to your .travis.yml.

    If you go to https://travis-ci.org/<username>/<repository>/settings you will see there are two new environment variables encrypted_XXXXXXXXXXXX_key and encrypted_XXXXXXXXXXXX_iv. If you don’t see them double-check that you are executing this step not from forked repo directory. This is security measure enforced by Travis-CI - all encrypted files are local only to given fork and are unavailable to other forks and push requests. If you didn’t check this and continued on with the rest of this post then you would see

    iv undefined

    in the Travis job log. Be smart, don’t spent hours on looking for what’s wrong as I did because nobody else wrote this clear enough.

  17. For the sake of order, move the github_deploy_key.enc to .travis directory.

    $ mv github_deploy_key.enc .travis/

    And delete the private key

    $ rm -f github_deploy_key
  18. Add .travis/deploy.sh script and make it executable.

    $ touch .travis/deploy.sh
    $ chmod +x .travis/deploy.sh


    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    set -e
    # update current version number to a TAG version if this is a tag build
    if [ ! -z "$TRAVIS_TAG" ]
        echo "on a tag -> set pom.xml <version> to $TRAVIS_TAG for release"
        mvn --settings .travis/mvnsettings.xml org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:2.3:set -DnewVersion=$TRAVIS_TAG
        echo "not on a tag -> keep snapshot version in pom.xml"
    # cleanup and generate gpg keys
    if [ ! -z "$TRAVIS" -a -f "$HOME/.gnupg" ]; then
        shred -v ~/.gnupg/*
        rm -rf ~/.gnupg
    source .travis/gpg.sh
    # DEPLOY \o/
    mvn clean deploy --settings .travis/mvnsettings.xml -DskipTests=true --batch-mode --update-snapshots
    # cleanup gpg keys, just to be safe
    if [ ! -z "$TRAVIS" ]; then
        shred -v ~/.gnupg/*
        rm -rf ~/.gnupg

    Let’s go through this script step by step:

    • update current version number in pom.xml to a TAG version if this is a tag build ($TRAVIS_TAG is an environment variable Travis CI provides when a build is triggered by a tag pushed to repository)
    • cleanup and generate gpg keys
    • call the mvn deploy with extra settings - this will generate jar, -sources.jar, -javadoc.jar artifacts, will sign them all with gpg and finally deploy to Central Repository (Snapshot or Release depending on version number - it’s really important that you stick to Semantic Versioning)
  19. Add .travis/after_deploy.sh script and make it executable. Remember it will be only called on tag push.

    $ touch .travis/after_deploy.sh
    $ chmod +x .travis/after_deploy.sh


    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    set -e
    increment_version_to_next_snapshot ()
    # http://stackoverflow.com/a/8659330/5226815
      declare -a part=( ${1//\./ } )
      declare    new
      declare -i carry=1
      for (( CNTR=${#part[@]}-1; CNTR>=0; CNTR-=1 )); do
        [ ${#new} -gt $len ] && carry=1 || carry=0
        [ $CNTR -gt 0 ] && part[CNTR]=${new: -len} || part[CNTR]=${new}
      new_snapshot="${new// /.}-SNAPSHOT"
    # Get the deploy key by using Travis's stored variables to decrypt deploy_key.enc
    openssl aes-256-cbc \
        -K $encrypted_dd04a63e1379_key \
        -iv $encrypted_dd04a63e1379_iv \
        -in .travis/github_deploy_key.enc \
        -out .travis/github_deploy_key -d
    chmod 600 .travis/github_deploy_key
    eval `ssh-agent -s`
    ssh-add .travis/github_deploy_key
    git config --global user.name "$GIT_NAME"
    git config --global user.email "$GIT_EMAIL"
    # increment version to the next snapshot version
    increment_version_to_next_snapshot $TRAVIS_TAG
    echo "on a tag -> set pom.xml <version> to next SNAPSHOT $new_snapshot"
    mvn --settings .travis/mvnsettings.xml org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:2.3:set -DnewVersion=$new_snapshot
    mvn --settings .travis/mvnsettings.xml org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:2.3:commit
    # Save some useful information
    REPO=$(git config remote.origin.url)
    REPO_NAME=$(basename $REPO)
    TARGET_DIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/$REPO_NAME.XXXX)
    git clone --branch master ${REPO} ${TARGET_DIR}
    yes | cp -f pom.xml $TARGET_DIR/
    cd $TARGET_DIR
    # Finally add changed pom.xml and commit
    git add pom.xml
    git commit -m "[skip ci] [Travis-CI] next snapshot version via Travis build $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER"
    # Now that we're all set up, we can push
    git push $REPO master

    Step by step actions of this script:

    • prepare increment_version_to_next_snapshot function that increments semver version from tag and postfixes it with -SNAPSHOT
    • decrypt the encrypted github_deploy_key.enc key and add it to ssh agent
    • configure git to use the name and email setup in .travis.yml
    • increment the version in pom
    • clone the repository again, with working refs, master branch known and ssh access
    • copy the pom.xml file from old location to the newly cloned repo
    • commit the changed file, add [skip ci] so that Travis-CI will not fire again when we…
    • push that commit to origin
  20. Commit and push everything, your Travis CI job should now start.

  21. You can now

    git tag -a 1.0.0 -m "Version 1.0.0 - first public release"

    your application :)

  • open source
  • OneSignal
  • sonatype
  • Travis CI

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